What is the true meaning of membership? Webster's defines it as the state of belonging to or being a part of a group or an organization - the state of being a member - all the people or things that belong to or are part of an organization or a group
We think our Membership is best described by more of a feeling rather than a statement. The idea of feeling welcome is what we think is most important and we always want you to view our facilities as your home away from home for golf. We welcome members as a big part of our operating philosophy so that you always have a place to feed your passion for the greatest game in the world known as GOLF. Our Memberships are affordable, convenient and easily accessible, so why not join in and play as much golf as you like.
Our Membership includes an online account & tee-time 10 day in advance booking system, golf shop discounts & other special member pricing on items such as golf carts and lockers, practice facilities, GAO handicapping, organized events, leagues, match play, social functions and many other member benefits.
Join us this season, Elmira Golf Club, since 1963! Waiting List Alert for Membership.
Please See Below to View More Information on Our Different Membership Programs or Please Click Here to View & Download our Brochure
- Traditional Memberships - Flex Memberships - Weekday Memberships - - Junior Memberships - Intermediate Memberships -

Our 2025 Membership Options
Waiting List Alert for Membership
Membership Benefits:
Includes: On-line 11-day in advance tee-time booking system including member account tracking. Save 13% on regular priced soft good merchandise. Organized club member events, leagues and more.
Membership categories based on age as of July 1st for all categories.
Please add $43.00 / Member for Golf Canada Handicap & Tracking, includes a $6,000 valued Insurance gold package.
*Please note, all membership categories are limited. Please Click Here to View & Download our Brochure
Junior Membership
Play Monday to Friday anytime and after 1 pm Weekends & Holidays. Large range included. Age 8-9 must be accompanied by a member or adult on the course.
Includes: Monday Junior League, Junior Club Championships & other Junior events.
Juniors: If one parent/grandparent is a paid member save 20%, if two parents/grandparents are paid members save 40% off the Junior membership fee.
Some restrictions on Wednesdays for Juniors due to Wednesday league play.
Junior (8-18) $599 + $43.00 (Golf Canada Fee)
If one parent / grand parent is a paid Member save 20%, if two parents / grandparents are paid members save 40%.
Save 13% on regular priced soft good merchandise..
Intermediate Membership
Intermediate Weekday Plus+ (19-39) Age x $45 + (Golf Canada Fee)I
Play Monday to Friday anytime and Weekends & Holidays after 1 PM. Large range included. Event fee only for all weekend member events.
Intermediate Anytime (19-39) Age x $50 + (Golf Canada Fee)
Anytime play and large range included
Traditional Memberships
Includes: On-line 11-day in advance tee-time booking system including member account tracking. Save 13% on regular priced soft good merchandise. Organized club member events, leagues and more.
*Please add Golf Canada Handicap & Insurance Package Fee of $43.00 + HST
Weekday Plus+ Membership
Play Monday to Friday anytime and Weekends & Holidays after 1 PM. Large range included. Event fee only for all weekend member events.
Weekday Plus+ Single (40+) - $1899+ Golf Canada Fee
Weekday Plus+ Senior Single (65+) - $1709 + Golf Canada Fee
Weekday Plus+ Couple (same address) - $3229 + Golf Canada Fee.
Anytime Membership
Anytime play and large range included
Anytime Single (40+) - $2299 + Golf Canada Fee
Anytime Senior Single (65+) - $2069 + Golf Canada Fee
Anytime Couple (same address) - $3909 + Golf Canada Fee
Specialty Memberships
Flex Membership
Pre-paid account set up as a declining balance for all personal purchases. For example: Golf Shop merchandise, food & beverage, beverage cart, range, lessons, carts, events, and including regular guest golf fees are all applied to the account. All personal golf is also applied using the discounts outlined below off prime golf walking rates. If at any time the flex price discount is less than the outlined Flex a flex green fee match will be applied.
Flex Anytime Play
Prime rates: 18-hole $58.99 and 9-hole $29.49
Flex Memberships: Save 30% on Weekday 18’s and 20% on 9’s. Before 1PM on Weekends & Holidays Save 25% on 18’s, After 1PM on Weekends & Holidays, Save 35% on 18's and 20% on 9's.
Social Flex Anytime - $2350 + Golf Canada Fee
Couples Flex Anytime - $1150 + Golf Canada Fee
Couples is for spouse or partner of current member
Flex Weekday Plus+
Prime rates: 18-hole $58.99 and 9-hole $29.49
Play Monday to Friday anytime and Weekends and Holidays after 1PM. Save 30% on Weekday 18’s and 20% on 9’s. After 1PM on Weekends & Holiday’s save 35% on 18’s and 20% on 9’s.
Weekday Plus+ Social - $1950 + Golf Canada Fee
Weekday Plus Spousal Flex - $1150 + Golf Canada Fee
Couples is for spouse or partner off current member
No HST added to Flex memberships at purchase
*Please add HST to all pricing unless noted. Prices subject to change at anytime. Updated Oct 8th, 2024
Contact GM / Executive Professional, Jeremy Logel, for more details at (519) 669-1652 ext. 3 or email
Please Click The Button Below For a PDF Copy of Pricing Additions For Your Membership Such As Driving Range, Club Storage, Locker Etc.

Please contact Jeremy Logel regarding Corporate Membership options, programs, and advertising opportunities.
Jeremy Logel, PGA of Canada
General Manager / Elmira Golf Club
519-669-1652 ext.3
Let's Talk About Our Memberships
Elmira Golf Club Limited
PO Box 61
40 Eldale Road
Elmira, ON
N3B 2Z5
Phone: (519) 669-1652